Gibbons helped bring dad home from North Carolina to Chicago. The Chicago Fire Dept. provided a motorcade to Gibbons Family Funeral Home

Chicago Fire Dept. Lieutenant Leonard passed away in North Carolina while receiving treatment. It was necessary to bring him home to his real home; The Northwest side of Chicago. Michael Gibbons made the phone calls to coordinate with the funeral home in North Carolina to bring Lt. Leonard home, working with son, John Leonard here in Chicago. What John did not know was that upon arriving at the airport, Michael would bring the hearse directly onto the tarmac at the airport and be greeted by Fire Trucks with crossed ladders and dozens of Chicago Fire Fighters in Dress Uniforms standing at attention honoring the arrival of their brother Fire Fighter and Officer. With Lights on, the Fire Dept. provided a motorcade back to Gibbons Family Funeral Home on Irving Park Road. “It was something we didn’t know about, didn’t expect and really very cool”, recalls John Leonard, regarding his father’s arrival.”.

Michael knew. Because First Responders have a special place at Gibbons Family Funeral Home and always have. “We have a history and a tradition of taking care of the families of the men and women who serve our citizens in Chicago” says Michael Gibbons. Both the Chicago Fire Department and Chicago Police Department consider their members to be family, and that tradition and camaraderie starts when a member passes away and extends through to the moment when they say good bye to a fallen brother or sister and send them home…not quietly, but triumphantly.

For the Gibbons Family, it is an honor and a privilege to be among the people who Chicago’s families choose for this responsibility. There’s no effort too great to take special care of the people who protect us every day.


To discuss at-need or pre-planning or any questions you may have, contact Gibbons Family Funeral Home at 773-777-3944 or We’re here 24 hours a day, every day of the year for our families.

To Connect with Gibbons Family Funeral Home:


Twitter: @gibbonsffh

